Beauty and the Beast Audition Workshop 2023!
Interested in auditioning for "Beauty and the Beast Jr." ? Come to our Workshop to help you best prepare for your audition. Students who attend this workshop will learn what the directors are looking for at auditions. Attendees will learn about the dynamics of each character, some song and dance routines as well as tips as to how to prepare for the character they are auditioning for. The goal of this workshop is to give everyone the tools they will need to be best prepare for their audition time.
The Audition Workshop is on June 9th, 2023 from 10:00-11:30am and the cost is $30. Please note this workshop is for students ages 10&up only. To hold your spot, please make sure to sign up at the sign up genius link below as well as pay via our payal link. Thank you!
Interested in auditioning for "Beauty and the Beast Jr." ? Come to our Workshop to help you best prepare for your audition. Students who attend this workshop will learn what the directors are looking for at auditions. Attendees will learn about the dynamics of each character, some song and dance routines as well as tips as to how to prepare for the character they are auditioning for. The goal of this workshop is to give everyone the tools they will need to be best prepare for their audition time.
The Audition Workshop is on June 9th, 2023 from 10:00-11:30am and the cost is $30. Please note this workshop is for students ages 10&up only. To hold your spot, please make sure to sign up at the sign up genius link below as well as pay via our payal link. Thank you!
Sign UpHere:
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